Data navigator

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Annual report data

Important databases

  • WRDS (using Compustat data): For American companies, data is available from 1950, for global companies from June 1987. You can access 397 variables for active and inactive American companies.
    Manual: Annual report data in WRDS
  • Capital IQ & Capital IQ Pro: With Capital IQ, you can get a list of companies using the Screening function. You have access to key financial data for around 250 thousand public companies starting from 1990.
    For each company in Capital IQ Pro, you get financial statements with key stats starting from 2014.
    Manual: Annual report data in Capital IQ & Capital IQ Pro
  • Orbis: provides information for 350 million firms. It collects information for annual reports for about 15 million public and private firms from 2013.
    Manual: Annual report data in Orbis


Important databases

CEO & board data

Important databases

Credit default swaps

Important databases

Credit ratings

Important databases


Important databases

  • Bloomberg: Deals can be found using the MA-function, which provides all deals with different statuses from the database of public companies.
    Manual: Deals in Bloomberg
  • Orbis: Deals can be found from the Orbis M&A-database, which provides additional information about the deals for small and middle-sized companies.
    Manual: Deals in Orbis


Important databases


Important databases


Important databases

  • Bloomberg: Futures are primarily available for indexes and public companies, typically up to the year 2020, including expired contracts.
    Manual: Futures in Bloomberg
  • LSEG Workspace incl. Datastream: Futures are available for a wide variety of financial instruments (including commodities), encompassing both active and expired contracts, and covering the maximum possible timeframe.
    Manual: Futures in LSEG Workspace incl. Datastream


Important databases

  • Bloomberg: Bloomberg offers comprehensive information on the most crucial global indices, along with an extensive array of variables and ratios for in-depth analysis.
    Manual: Indices in Bloomberg
  • LSEG Workspace incl. Datastream provides access to a vast collection of industrial financial indices, accompanied by a wide range of exportable variables, easily accessible via Excel.
    Manual: Indices in LSEG Workspace incl. Datastream
  • Capital IQ Pro: Capital IQ Pro offers a comprehensive overview of global indices and provides summaries of key ratios associated with these indices.
    Manual: Indices in Capital IQ Pro
  • WRDS (Compustat – Capital IQ): WRDS provides access to industrial financial indices and facilitates easy exportation to Excel for further analysis.
    Manual: Indices in WRDS (Compustat – Capital IQ)


Important databases


Important databases


Important databases

Stock prices

Important databases