The textbook collection includes basic literature, introductory, and standard works. It also contains the most important books needed to complete the introductory and orientation phase of WU’s bachelor’s programs.
Please see the WU website for more details.
When searching for titles in the WU catalog, you can restrict your search to include only titles in the textbook collection.

Select a title from the list of results and click on the Locations tab to find out about the book’s availability and where it is shelved.

The books in the example given below are currently available and can be located using the highlighted shelf mark. If a book is currently not available, you will see its due date under the header Status.

The textbook collection’s holdings are organized by shelf mark as follows:
100 … Business administration
200 … Economics
300 … Law (Note: Law textbooks are available to you at the Library for Law (D3), next to the front desk.)
400 … Other (e.g. social sciences, mathematics, languages)
Within the thematic areas, books are shelved alphabetically according to the next segment of the shelf mark (BE/TU comes before KO/GM, followed by LA/RO).
The textbook collection contains multiple copies of each textbook. Only WU students are allowed to borrow books from the textbook collection, as these titles are usually needed for exams. The loan period is 6 weeks and you can borrow up to 5 books at a time. A large part of the textbook collection is freely accessible on level 3 of the Central Library. The textbooks for law are located at the Library for Law (D3) and can be found next to the front desk.
For more information on borrowing materials from the textbook collection, please click here.
Tip: Many textbooks are available as eBooks, which you can access online. Please note that a connection to the WU network (via Wi-Fi or VPN) is necessary in order to gain access. You can find more information on our page dedicated to eBooks.