Introduction and Overview

Databases allow you to search for essays and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, and newspapers. You can also use them to search for primary data, such as market information or statistical data.

On our "Browse databases" page, you can filter the appropriate databases from our list for your particular query. Below you can find a brief overview of our portfolio of databases.

Business administration

Academic literature

To search for academic literature on business administration, ABI/Inform Global | T&I (ProQuest), EBSCO Business Source Premier and wiso Wirtschaftswissenschaften are our go-to central databases. In addition, we also offer literature databases for special topics, e.g. Transport for logistics and transport systems or Leisure Tourism Database for topics realted to the leisure industry and tourism. Scopus can be used to search for cited authors and publications.

Reference works

The Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon contains definitions of technical terms and introductory descriptions of business topics. Research Starters Business (EBSCO) offers in-depth introductory articles on various topics in business administration.

Market and industry information

MarketLine Advantage, Passport - Euromonitor International (vormals GMID) and Statista contain industry, company, and country analyses. MarketLine Advantage also offers market analyses for consumer goods, energy, finance, healthcare, and technology. Supply Chain Analysis is an information system on supply chain management, and Retail Insight (vormals PlanetRetail) focuses on global retail.

Company information

Our central databases for researching company information are Orbis (Bureau van Dijk) with global coverage and the integrated M&A transactions database Zephyr (Bureau van Dijk) and, for Austrian companies, Aurelia Neo (Bureau van Dijk) and Sabina (Bureau van Dijk). Orbis Bank Focus (Bureau van Dijk) allows you to research balance sheet and P&L structures as well as financial ratios, group interrelationships, and ratings of banks from all countries. Factiva contains data on US companies, among others. Bloomberg, Eikon with Datastream and S&P Capital IQ as well as S&P Capital IQ Pro - Financial Institutions (vormals SNL Financial) offer current and historical balance sheet data, company ratios, and financial market data.

Wirtschafts-Compass (vormals Firmen-Compass) is used for searches for official data on Austrian companies.

Statistical data

Passport - Euromonitor International (vormals GMID), MarketLine Advantage and Statista are databases that provide statistical data on consumer goods markets. Bloomberg and Datastream (via Eikon with Datastream) provide long time series on companies and securities. In Orbis (Bureau van Dijk) and Orbis Bank Focus (Bureau van Dijk) financial data of companies including banks can be analyzed statistically using segmentation, distribution, and concentration analysis and linear regression.


Academic literature

The central literature database in the field of economics is EconLit (EBSCO). In addition, wiso Wirtschaftswissenschaften, ABI/Inform Global | T&I (ProQuest) and EBSCO Business Source Premier are also important resources for economic research. The OECD iLibrary contains reports, statistical data, books, and journals published by the OECD. The WTO iLibrary contains publications and statistics provided by the World Trade Organization. Scopus can be used to search for cited authors and publications.

Reference works

In addition to the Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics particularly recommended as a reference resource for economics.

Statistical data

Macroeconomic data are available in EIU Country Data , OECD iLibrary, WTO iLibrary, International Statistical Yearbook, Statista and Datastream (via Eikon with Datastream). Country reports and detailed statistics on the competitive situation of 57 countries can be accessed via IMD World Competitiveness Online.

Austrian macroeconomic data can be found in WIFO-Daten-System (WDS) and also in STATcube, the statistical database system of Statistics Austria. The wiiw - Database on Foreign Direct Investment, the wiiw - Handbook of Statistics and the wiiw Industrial Database Eastern Europe (Archive) contain macroeconomic statistics on Central and Eastern Europe. UN COMTRADE Premium provides international trade data. The World Bank Data, published by the World Bank, contains national and aggregate data on global socioeconomic development.

Extensive empirical information on financial markets can be found on the WRDS - Wharton Research Data Servicesplatform, in the Bloomberg, Eikon with Datastream and Global Financial Data - GFD Finaeon databases, and – especially for financial ratios of companies including the banking sector – in the Orbis (Bureau van Dijk), Orbis Bank Focus (Bureau van Dijk) and S&P Capital IQ Pro - Financial Institutions (vormals SNL Financial) database.

Social sciences

Academic literature

Social science literature is documented in wiso Sozialwissenschaften and the IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (ProQuest). In addition, there are special databases on selected subfields of the social sciences: Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest) lists literature from all areas of sociology. PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests (EBSCO) lists literature on psychology and information on psychological tests. ERIC Education Resources Information Center (ProQuest) and FIS Bildung have literature on education. Scopus can be used to search for cited authors and publications. AgeLine (EBSCO), Abstracts in Social Gerontology (EBSCO) and AgeInfo provide bibliographic information on the sociology, psychology, economics, and politics of age and aging.

Statistical data

STATcube, the statistical database system of Statistics Austria, also contains social statistics, for example on housing, employment, education, and health care.


For Austrian legal texts and case law, the RIS Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes is an excellent, freely accessible database. EUR-Lex is the corresponding counterpart for European law.

When running electronic searches for Austrian law-related literature (journals, commentaries, anthologies, books), you should keep in mind that no database provider is able to retrieve all available full texts, regardless of the legal field you are researching.

RIDA - Rechts-Index-Datenbank is an (almost) comprehensive resource for searching Austrian legal literature references. Different full-text content is available in Lexis 360 (vormals LexisNexis Online Österreich), Linde Digital (vormals Lindeonline), RDB Rechtsdatenbank, BiblioScout (vormals Verlag Österreich eLibrary), RIDA - Rechts-Index-Datenbank and Springer-Journals enthalten.

As an alternative entry point to the most relevant electronic law journal literature at WU, we also offer the JusNavigator portal.

For legal information in the German context, you can use the databases Beck-Online and Juris, while international documents with a focus on the Anglo-American context are provided by Nexis Uni (vormals Nexis Academic), Westlaw International and HeinOnline .

Other disciplines

The IEEE Computer Society Digital Library contains journal publications and conference literature on all areas of computer science and related disciplines. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) (EBSCO) and INFODATA Informationswissenschaft (IDAT) contain library and information science literature references. For literature searches on mathematics and statistics, the Current Index to Statistics, MathSciNet and Zentralblatt MATH are available via the WU University Library. The PsycArticles (EBSCO) database can be used to search articles from APA journals on applied psychology, health, and social and personality psychology.

General reference works

Brockhaus Enzyklopädie Online and Britannica Academic are available as general reference works.

Press and news

The PressReader daily newspaper portal contains numerous international newspapers from the last 60 days in full format. Factiva is a worldwide press database and is ideal for researching information from daily and weekly newspapers and magazines. Nexis Uni (vormals Nexis Academic) also provides access to worldwide press sources. Quality journalism from Eastern, Central, and Southeastern Europe can be found in Transitions Online and Balkan Insight. The wiso Presse database covers German-language sources.