All resources

Access within the WU network ABI/Inform Global | T&I (ProQuest)

Major database for various topics in the fields of business and economics

Access within the WU network Abstracts in Social Gerontology (EBSCO)

Bibliographic database for the literature of social gerontology

Access within the WU network AgeInfo

Bibliographic database of over 50,000 books articles and reports from the specialist collection on Social Gerontology held at the Centre for Policy on Ageing

Access within the WU network AgeLine (EBSCO)

Bibliographic database for the literature of social gerontology

Access within the WU network Aktienführer-Datenarchiv der UB Mannheim

The data archive comprises the Hoppenstedt Aktienführer data from 1976-2015 in CSV format and the digitized print editions of the Aktienführer (1953-1999) as well as its predecessor, the Saling's Börsenpapiere (1870-1942)

Free access ALEX - Historische Rechts- und Gesetzestexte

Austrian legislation from 1780 on

Special Access Information Amadeus (Bureau van Dijk)

Comparable financial and business information on public and private companies across Europe

Free access Arbeitsmarktdatenbank

Information about the Austrian labour market, based on raw data of the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions and the Austrian Public Employment Service

Access within the WU network ASSIA - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ProQuest)

bibliographic references to journal articles, covering aspects of health and social care from a broadly social scientific perspective

Special Access Information Audit Analytics

Data about accounting firms and audited publicly registered companies in US and Europe

Special Access Information Aurelia Neo (Bureau van Dijk)

Company database with information on approximately 440.000 companies in Austria

Access within the WU network Balkan Insight

News, investigations, analyses, and interviews on economy, politics, and society of the Balkans

Special Access Information Beck-Online

German law including fulltext journals and books, jurisdiction and legislation

Access within the WU network BiblioScout (vormals Verlag Österreich eLibrary)

Publications of Verlag Österreich

Special Access Information Bloomberg

Global current and historical financial information on individual equities, stock market indices, fixed-income securities, currencies, commodities, and futures. Company profiles and financial statements, analysts’ forecasts, news on financial markets.

Access within the WU network Borderlex

News, commentaries and analyses of EU and international trade policies

Access within the WU network Britannica Academic

Online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica

Access within the WU network Brockhaus Enzyklopädie Online

German encyclopaedia, contains about 300.000 entries

Access within the WU network Cabell's Predatory Reports (vormals: Cabell's Blacklist)

Access within the WU network Communication Abstracts (EBSCO)

Bibliographic database covering communication and mass media

Access within the WU network Concurrences

Information on antitrust law and competition economics

Access within the WU network Current Index to Statistics

Bibliographic index of statistical publications dating back to 1975

Special Access Information Datastream (via Eikon with Datastream)

Please note that Datastream has been integrated into the Thomson Reuters Eikon Platform! Current and historical financial market data and corporate financial statements and financial ratios.

Free access Datenbanken des Umweltbundesamtes Dessau

References on environmental issues published by the German Federal Environment Agency

Access within the WU network DRS - Deutsche Rechnungslegungs Standards

Accounting Standards adopted by the German Accounting Standards Board

Access within the WU network Duden Sprachwissen

German reference works published by Duden

Access within the WU network EBSCO Business Source Premier

Major database for various topics in the fields of business and economics

Free access EconBiz

The portal EconBiz offers a search for economic literature and events

Access within the WU network EconLit (EBSCO)

Database of the American Economic Association. Indexes economic literature from journals, books, collective volumes and working papers. Book reviews of the Journal of Economic Literature in full text

Special Access Information Eikon with Datastream

data, analytics, forecasts and news on financial markets

Access within the WU network EIU Country Data

Macroeconomic indicators and forecasts for countries and groups of countries starting from 1980, including graphics

Access within the WU network Emerald Management Xtra

This database provides access to more than 150 business and management journals in full text and indexes literature from additional 300 journals

Access within the WU network ENDS Europe

European environmental news, analyses, interviews, opinion pieces and updates on EU laws, as well as reports on topical issues

Access within the WU network ERIC Education Resources Information Center (ProQuest)

Indexes literature from journals and reports with a US focus in the field of education

Access within the WU network EU Law Live

News and analyses about current EU legislation

Free access EUR-Lex

European Union law including the Official Journal of the European Union and former CELEX

Free access European Regional Database

Long time-series of selected economic indicators for European regions

Special Access Information Eurostat Mikrodaten

Eurostat microdata files such as the EU-SILC Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, the Labour Force Survey - EU LFS and other surveys for empirical research


EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. See entry on Eurostat Mikrodaten

Access within the WU network Factiva

World wide news from daily newspapers, magazines and other news sources, and business information, company data and financial market information

Free access FASB Accounting Standards Codification

Accounting standards of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Free access Findok - Die Finanzdokumentation

Information on finance and law of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance

Free access FIS Bildung

Indexes literature from Scientific journals, books and gray literature in the filed of education

Free access Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon

Online version of Gabler's business and economics encyclopaedia

Access within the WU network Gallup Analytics

Worldwide and US-American public opinion data

Free access GEODOK

Database indexing geographical literature

Access within the WU network Global Data Explorer (vormals MarketLine Advantage)

Worldwide information about industries, markets, companies and countries

Access within the WU network Global Financial Data - GFD Finaeon

Global Financial Data provides economic and financial time-series with a deep historical backfile and coverage of 200 global markets. Available to WU students, faculty and staff. Access and registration only via the WU network.

Access within the WU network GreenFILE (EBSCO)

Abstracting and indexing database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment

Access within the WU network HeinOnline

Access to Anglo-American law journals (Law Journal Library) and to various core collections covering Common Law jurisdiction

Access within the WU network History of Economic Thought

Primary and secondary sources (full books, chapters, journal articles, essays) on the history of economic thought from 1700 to 1914

Access within the WU network House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 19th/20th Century (ProQuest)

Comprehensive archive of records of Great Britain and the former Colonies

Access within the WU network IBFD Tax Research Platform (vormals: European Taxation Database)

tax systems and tax research topics

Access within the WU network IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (ProQuest)

Includes bibliographic information from an international selection of publications in the fields of economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology

Access within the WU network IEA Statistics

Statistical data and reports of the International Energy Agency

Access within the WU network IEEE Computer Society Digital Library

Provides access to IEEE society magazines and transactions and more than 2.700 conference publications in the field of computer sciences.

Access within the WU network IMD World Competitiveness Online

Competitiveness ranking and country profiles for 61 countries

Free access IMF eLibrary

Contains all International Monetary Fund publications: books, periodicals, reports, and statistical data

Special Access Information Integrum World Wide

Online portal, updated daily, covering Russian and CIS countries national and regional newspapers and magazines, statistics, official publications and more

Special Access Information International Country Risk Guide - ICRG Researchers Dataset Tables 3B/4B/5B

Political, financial and economic risk ratings for 140 countries

Access within the WU network International Statistical Yearbook

Statistical data from Eurostat, OECD, UNIDO, IMF, Deutsche Bundesbank, German Federal Statistical Office, DIW

Access within the WU network Investor-State LawGuide

Database for international investment treaty law and related arbitration materials.

Access within the WU network JSTOR

Business Collections I - IV and Mathematics & Statistics Collection of JSTOR, a digital library of academic journals

Access within the WU network Juris

German legal information including literature, jurisdiction and legislation

Access within the WU network Kluwer Arbitration

Platform for international arbitration

Special Access Information KMU Forschung Austria

Detailed reports from industries of small and medium size enterprises in Austria as well as economic performance reports and balance sheet information; Balance Sheet Database, Economic Performance Database, Observer Database and Structural Database

Access within the WU network Langenscheidt Online-Wörterbücher

General and specialist dictionaries

Access within the WU network Leisure Tourism Database

Bibliographic database, indexes academic books, journals and conference proceedings in the fields of leisure, tourism, recreation and hospitality

Special Access Information Lexis 360 (vormals LexisNexis Online Österreich)

Austrian literature, law and jurisdiction, especially tax law

Access within the WU network Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) (EBSCO)

Abstracting and indexing database for library and information science

Special Access Information Linde Digital (vormals Lindeonline)

Legal information from publisher Linde

MarketLine Advantage

Worldwide information about industries, markets, companies and countries. Upgraded to new database Global Data Explorer in January 2024!

Access within the WU network Media Intelligence Center

North American media data and analytics, providing print and digital media data

Access within the WU network Merriam-Webster Unabridged

Dictionary of American English

Access within the WU network MLA international Bibliography (EBSCO)

Bibliographic database of the Modern Language Association, indexes journals and books in the fields of literature and linguistics

Special Access Information MSCI ESG Ratings Time Series - Equities

ESG sustainability ratings time series for constituent companies of various MSCI equity indices

Access within the WU network Munzinger Länder

Most important facts about all countries and international organizations

Access within the WU network Munzinger Personen - Internationales Biographisches Archiv

brief biographies of important personalities of the of the 20th and 21st century

Access within the WU network Nexis Uni (vormals Nexis Academic)

International news, legal and business information especially from the Anglo-American region

Access within the WU network NWB Steuern International

Information on international tax issues

Free access OECD iLibrary

OECD publications: books, periodicals, reports and statistical data

Free access ÖBL - Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon

Austrian biographical encyclopedia

Free access ÖHB - Österreichische Historische Bibliographie

Documentation of Austrian research on history

Special Access Information Orbis (Bureau van Dijk)

Information and data for public and private companies worldwide, including company financials, financial strength indicators, contacts, detailed corporate structures, M&A transactions

Special Access Information Orbis Bank Focus (Bureau van Dijk)

Information on banks worldwide, including financial data, with 5 years history for listed banks and 3 years for unlisted

Special Access Information Orbis Crossborder Investment (Bureau van Dijk)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) database, covering Greenfield FDI projects and M&A at company-level

Access within the WU network Oxford English Dictionary Online

Largest dictionary of any language in the world, charts the meaning and evolution of over 600,000 words over the last 1500 years

Special Access Information Panjiva Supply Chain Intelligence (S&P)

Detailed trade and company data for container shipping, with focus on the United States and selected countries in Central and South America and Asia, global aggregated trade data

Access within the WU network Passport - Euromonitor International (vormals GMID)

Statistics and reports on markets, industries, countries and companies

Access within the WU network PressReader

Online portal, updated daily, with 5.000 newspapers and magazines from 100 countries in 50 languages

Access within the WU network PsycArticles (EBSCO)

A full-text database of journals published by APA and other publishers in subject areas such as applied psychology, health, theory, research, social/personality, and more

Access within the WU network PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests (EBSCO)

Bibliographic database, indexing articles in academic journals, books, collective volume articles, research literature, and audio-visual media in the field of psychology and related disciplines. Psychological tests

Access within the WU network PTSDpubs (vormals PILOTS) (ProQuest)

Bibliographic database, covering worldwide literature on mental health consequences of exposure to traumatic events

Free access PubMed

Bibliographic database in the field of medicine and related areas

Special Access Information RDB Rechtsdatenbank

Austrian legal literature, jurisdiction and legislation

Access within the WU network Retail Insight (vormals PlanetRetail)

Analyses, news and data concerning retail companies worldwide

Access within the WU network RIDA - Rechts-Index-Datenbank

Austrian law database with literature and jurisdiction as well as unpublished decisions

Free access RIS Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes

Austrian law database with literature and jurisdiction as well as unpublished decisions

Special Access Information Sabina (Bureau van Dijk)

Information on companies in Austria, including company financials and annual accounts in a detailed format, with up to 10 years of history

Access within the WU network Das Schweizer Arbeitsrecht

Comments and jurisdication on Swiss labor law

Access within the WU network Scopus

abstract and citation database of academic literature

Access within the WU network Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest)

Indexes international literature in the fields of social work and social Services

Access within the WU network Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest)

Bibliographic database in the field of sociology

Access within the WU network Sociology Database (ProQuest)

full-text of scholarly journals in sociology, social work and related fields

Special Access Information S&P Capital IQ

Company Profiles and financial data of public and important privat companies worldwide, ownership, capital structure, corporate transactions and industry overviews

Special Access Information S&P Capital IQ Pro - Energy

Data, news, and analytics on power plants, renewable energy, and natural gas projects across the North America and Europe, plus the global oil and gas landscape

Special Access Information S&P Capital IQ Pro - Financial Institutions (vormals SNL Financial)

Financial data, news and analysis on Banking, Insurance, Financial Services

Special Access Information S&P Capital IQ Pro - Metals and Mining

Company and property-level data for the global metals and mining industry

Free access SSRN Social Science Research Network

SSRN informs about working papers and articles in scholarly journals, covering all fields of social sciences

Free access STATcube

STATcube – Statistics Austria’s statistical database serves to provide comprehensive statistical data

Access within the WU network Statista

Statista is a German online statistics portal which provides access to economic and social statistical data from national government institutions, international organizations as well as market and opinion research institutions.

Access within the WU network Supply Chain Analysis

Cases, news, company and industry reports, etc. concerning the supply chain of fast-moving consumer goods

Special Access Information Sustainalytics

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk ratings data on over 12,000 public and private companies

Access within the WU network The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

World's most extensive and authoritative reference resource in economics

Free access The Lens

database containing patent information and abstracts and citations of academic literature

Thomson ONE

The content previously provided through the database Thomson One Investment Management is now available on the Thomson Reuters platform Eikon

Free access TRAINS

Contains worldwide data on imports, tariffs and non-tariff measures, available at the most detailed commodity level

Access within the WU network Transitions Online

High quality journalism from transition economies in Eastern, Central and South Eastern Europe

Access within the WU network Transport

Bibliographic database indexing Journals, research literature and conference proceedings in the fields of transport and logistics

Access within the WU network

International directory of periodicals and journals

Special Access Information UN COMTRADE Premium

International trade statistics which can be retrieved for trade partners at commodtiy level

Web of Science - ESI, JCR und SSCI

Since Janurary 1st 2022 access to Web of Science is no longer provided. The newly acquired access to the database Scopus allows research in about 85 million entries as well as using journal and author metrics.

Special Access Information Werbemittelarchiv Brand History „Professor Schweiger“, WU Wien

Collection of advertising media (advertisements, posters, television and radio spots etc.) from the beginning of the 20th century to the present

Access within the WU network Westlaw International

Offers international legal information especially from the UK and the USA

Access within the WU network Westlaw UK

Access to databases of case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentary, current awareness alerts and EU legal materials

Free access WIFO Wirtschaftsdaten

selected tables with Austrian and international economic statistical data; see also the English version

Special Access Information WIFO-Daten-System (WDS)

Information system jointly developed by WIFO and WSR which imports, homogenises and prepares a variety of national and international data sources

Access within the WU network wiiw - Database on Foreign Direct Investment

Data on Foreign Direct Investment activities related to countries in Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE)

Access within the WU network wiiw - Handbook of Statistics

Key economic indicators on Central, East and Southeastern Europe

Free access wiiw Industrial Database Eastern Europe (Archive)

Key economic indicators on East European transitional economics to analyze changing industrial Patterns (published until 2010)

Access within the WU network wiiw Annual Database

Time series of key economic indicators for Central, East and Southeast European countries (CESEE)

Access within the WU network wiiw Monthly Database

Monthly time series of leading economic indicators for countries in Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE)

Special Access Information Wirtschafts-Compass (vormals Firmen-Compass)

Information about Austrian companies

Access within the WU network wiso Firmeninformationen

Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements

Access within the WU network wiso Marktdaten

Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements

Access within the WU network wiso Presse

Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements

Access within the WU network wiso Sozialwissenschaften

Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements

Access within the WU network wiso Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements

Free access World Bank Data

Global development data (including World Development Indicators)

Access within the WU network World Robotics (IFR)

Analysis and statistical data on the industry branches of service and industry robots

Access within the WU network

Contains primary source documents related to international trade law as well as summaries and analyses of all new WTO Panel and Appellate Body reports

Special Access Information WRDS - Wharton Research Data Services

Wharton Research Data Services is a web-based research service for financial and business data.

Access within the WU network WTO iLibrary

Publications in full text and statistics from the World Trade Organization

Special Access Information Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory - Online Service

Analysis and statistical data on the main industry branches of the audiovisual sector in Europe

Access within the WU network ZEDHIA

online historical archive of digitalized Compass Verlag publications from 1868 through 2003

Free access Zentralblatt MATH

Bibliographic database in the field of theoretic and applied mathematics

Special Access Information Zephyr (Bureau van Dijk)

Database with integrated company financials, containing Mergers and Acquisitions – M&A, Initial Public Offerings - IPO, private equity, venture capital, deals and rumours